Bryce Canyon, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer



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exploring utaaaaaaah


Funny how much a broken pinky toe impacts what you can and can’t physically do. Fall plan was to attempt some long traverses here in the Wasatch before hitting the road with the Powderwhore film tour. Instead, the last few…

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perverse traverse attempt


Jim Harris and I attempted to traverse Mt Olympus, Twin Peaks and Lone Peak in one day. The total route is 17,000ft of climbing and descending over roughly 23miles. I’ve never so underestimated the terrain and time it would take…

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mountain hardwear


I’ve been ‘living the dream’ for some time now. For me, that means existing simply and doing what I want to do with my time, my imagination and my skis. It appears there are those who like what I do…

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X-Country into Yellowstone


Not much to ski here in the Wasatch at the moment. However, I wanted to get out for an adventure. There’s a little window where vehicles and snowmobiles are not allowed in Yellowstone National Park. I thought it would be…

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moto loop to hanksville


I was lucky enough to survive one epic moto ride this summer, so why not push my luck. The proposed route was a fully inspired breathtaking loop through the diverse central part of this lovely state called Utah. Our 750…

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oquirrh traverse


This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Why? Not so sure, but it seems strange to live close to this range and never explore it at all. I watch the sunset daily over these peaks and…

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stupor tour


One of the longest days I’ve spent in the mountains (16hrs 6mins) is going to make for a long blog entry. This is just a warning that this read might take a bit longer than the average of 1:57min per…

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moto-vated on mount nebo


So if you checked the link from my last post (here) you saw some high quality pics from Derek that pretty much covered the outing. Well it might be redundant, but I’ve got a few to add. We hoofed it…

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haines 2009 (part 1)


So obviously Haines is THE place for big mountain riding, right? I mean this is where the most amazing footage has been coming from for many years now. Six of us from PW productions were lucky enough to make the…

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pfieferhorn ne couloir (round #2)


If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again? A bit obsessed with this line by now, Courtney and I went back for a second attempt Sunday morning. Unfortunately our story stops here, or at least doesn’t continue down the…