Ruth Gorge, AK - Photographer Garret Grove
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doing it in the dark


Last night I went out with the highly esteemed photographer Jay Beyer. Always trying to push his craft, we ventured into the night with some lights and a camera to see what we could do. This was Jay’s first time…

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stormy pow daze


Wow! We’ve just wrapped up with one of the best storm cycles I can recall. The snow has just been non stop until yesterday and I’ve been out with friends filming and tracking up as much as possible. Flat light…

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y-not couloir-video


Threw this together today from some pretty bad footage I took last winter on a ‘Gray Sky’ day.  Jay Beyer and Dylan Freed and I all made our virgin trip down the Y-not Couloir. Watch on youtube HERE

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why not sober up in the y-not?


Still cleaning out the camera from an amazing week of high pressure a week or so ago. This is a little trip down the Y-Not Couloir with Dylan Freed. We had bigger plans, but we both showed up a little…

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rampage attempt


The Wasatch is busy on the weekends. Time to visit the deep random reaches for some recon. (Parking at the S-Curve in BCC) Andy Rosenberg and I have been talking about these ramps in upper Mill B for way too…

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little pine chute-video


Yesterday was one of those unforgettable days where conditions exceed expectations in every way. I had tried to ski Little Pine many years ago and a friend and I were turned away a few hundred feet from the ridge. Yesterday…

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the 80 inch rule


We’ve been skiing our fill of mellow angle pow so far this season. This is a shot from last Saturday up near Alta. The Wasatch mountains take a fair amount of snow to coat them from all the sharp pointy…

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scramble on


It’s snowed and it’s currently snowing in the mountains here in the Wasatch. The forecast is calling for more early this week. I’m guessing and hoping this will be the patch that sticks and starts the snowpack for the 2008/09…

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bd ski ad-montgomery chute


Jay Beyer took this shot inside the gut of the Montgomery Chute, which we skied with Andy Jacobsen last season. Black Diamond is currently running it as an ad for their skis. I was on the Havoc’s, which are my…